St. John’s Parish Day School- Educating Students, Aged 3 through 5th Grade, in the Episcopal Tradition for Over 60 Years

An innovative curriculum and teachers who know and serve each student as they grow academically, socially and spiritually

A loving, caring, supportive environment where childhood is preserved and celebrated

Development of confident, independent thinkers, people of character, and respectful citizens connected to our local and global communities

A sense of wonder and possibility; where opportunities for discovery abound

To be a positive light in a child's life is the ultimate goal for teachers at St. John's. Our teaching staff come from impressive backgrounds and over 45% hold advanced degrees. They are the lifeblood of the school community and take a front-seat in decisions related to curriculum and daily life. The lessons our teachers create exceed National Standards. Our teachers are coveted for their creativity, dedication, talent, and connection with their students. The spirit with which our teachers teach goes back in school history to our founding teacher, Betty Ford Umbach, who knew she could offer a curriculum that surpassed that of the public schools. In September of 1965, after much preparation, building, and donations from parishioners, Mrs. Umbach opened with a parent and child tea party. From its humble beginnings until now, SJPDS continues to be a light unto all who attend. Those who answer the call of teaching are special people. The faculty plays a central role in the life of an independent school and many parochial schools. Teachers' talents, experience, and commitment to the school's philosophy are vital.

Chapel: We hold daily chapel for all students - creative and inclusive and drawing fully upon the liturgical resources of the Episcopal tradition. Community Life: Reflection, prayer, and matters of the spirit are honored and cultivated along with the support and nurture of the physical, mental, and emotional health of all. Religious Formation and Study: Meaningful, academically substantive, and age-appropriate teaching in the Christian tradition that also fosters dialogue with other faith traditions. Social Justice: The integration of the ideals and concepts of equity, justice, and a just society; the embracing and honoring of diversity; and the inclusion of community service and environmental stewardship as integral parts of the life of the school. By weaving these principles into the very fabric of the school's overall life, Episcopal schools ensure that their missions are built on the sure foundation of Christian love that guides and challenges all who attend our schools to build lives of genuine meaning, purpose, and service in the world they will inherit.

At St. John's, we not only focus on academics but also on our students' social and emotional well-being. Our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) approach into daily curriculum and programs help children recognize, understand, and manage their emotions and stress. Nurturing children's abilities to identify the feelings of others, develop empathy and respect, and build healthy relationships and interpersonal skills. We foster SEL through daily chapels and outreach initiatives with lessons to promote empathy, kindness, and mindfulness. Furthermore, we enhance our SEL initiatives such as Responsive Classroom and Zones of Regulation, which are student-centered approaches that support creating an engaging, inclusive environment that improves specific goals. Having this strong foundation not only supports social, emotional, and academic success but will serve students beyond their early years, helping them grow as strong, independent thinkers, people of sound character, and active stewards of the world.

Calendar of Events

Main Calendar


Mar 31

Class Pictures

All Day


Apr 04

First Friday

8:15 am


Apr 05

60th Anniversary Gala Event

6:00 pm


Apr 11

Early Dismissal- Spirit Day YELLOW

All Day


Apr 11

EC Easter Parties

All Day


Apr 14

School Closed- Spring Break

All Day


Apr 23

All School Chapel

9:15 am


Apr 24

Recycled Arts Night

6:30 pm


May 02

First Friday

8:15 am


May 03

New Families Breakfast

9:30 am


May 08

Muffins in the Morning- EC Group B

8:45 am


May 09

Muffins in the Morning- EC Group A

8:45 am


May 09

Kindergarten Tea with Me

2:30 pm


May 09

PA Variety Show

6:00 pm


May 12

ERB Testing

All Day


May 20

All School Chapel

9:15 am


May 22

LS Field Day

All Day


May 23

EC Field Day

All Day


May 23

Early Dismissal- Optional Conferences

All Day


May 26

School Closed- Memorial Day

All Day


May 30

Early Dismissal- Spirit Day WHITE

All Day


May 30

5th Grade Graduation

3:30 pm


Jun 04


All Day


Jun 04

EC Last Day of School

All Day


Jun 05


All Day


Jun 05

LS Moving Up Ceremony & Joyful Dance

9:15 am

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News & Events

News & Events

4th Grade Visits the Visionary Arts Museum!

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Fly Me to the Moon SJPDS Annual Gala & Auction

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Mrs. Moulding’s Book Tasting

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STEM Day & Open House Success!

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School Closed TOMORROW, January 7

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School CLOSED Tomorrow, January 6

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STEM Event & Open House

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First Day of School

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End of Summer Social Fun!

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Summer Camp at St. John’s

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At a Glance


school serving children age 3 through 5th Grade


preschool options for 3, 4 and 5 year olds with partial and full day options/opportunities


beautiful acres in the heart of Ellicott City, MD


of 5th grade students have been accepted to their top choice schools

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