Diversity and Inclusion

SJPDS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

One of the principles inherent in the Episcopal tradition is diversity. St. John’s Parish Day School values and celebrates the diversity of race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, religious background, gender, gender identity, family composition, and socioeconomic background. Through daily chapel and educational programming, we teach diversity on a regular basis throughout the entire school, preschool through 5th grade. We firmly believe that our community is best served by a broad spectrum of backgrounds represented in our students, families, faculty, staff, administration, and governing board. We strive to create a community that honors and values the worth and dignity of every human being. With this foundation, we know that our children are best prepared for success in an ever-changing world.


The SJPDS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Committee


In 2020 St. John’s Parish Day School formally launched The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Committee (DEI) which is Co-chaired by Katherine Carter, former parent, Past Board President & Co-Director DEI Committee along with Dani Boarman, Assistant Head of School. This wonderfully diverse committee includes staff members and SJPDS parents. The DEI Committee meets 3-4 times a year to reflect on the principles of the inclusivity statement as it relates to St John’s Parish Day School life. This outstanding committee has volunteered their time for the past two years to ensure St. John’s Parish Day School has a DEI statement that reflects St. John’s and is not a single agenda item but continues as the natural part of school life.

Some highlights happening at SJPDS range from sharing stories of acceptance and inclusivity during Chapels and Information Literacy class to teachers purposefully planning social-emotional learning lessons that support students to explore individual differences. In addition, during our Outreach initiatives (Veterans Day, food drive, Collington Square toy drive, and Walk for Wamunyu) lessons of awareness to individuals’ lives around us and how we can all make a difference in another opportunity of building an inclusive, accepting community. 

Thank you to each member of the DEI committee for their dedication, honesty, open dialog, and commitment to the school!




Due to the likelihood of hazardous driving conditions and continued weather accumulation, SJPDS will have a VIRTUAL ONLY LEARNING Day TOMORROW, February 12th, 2025. The school will be closed, but all students will learn virtually, at home. Your child(ren)’s teacher(s) will reach out with more information regarding scheduling and further instructions for Virtual Learning.