Our Mission and Gifts

At St. John’s, we educate the whole person to excellence, nurturing each child’s full potential.


Our Mission


The mission of St. John’s Parish Day School is to educate a culturally diverse community of children with a stimulating and challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment. We foster spiritual grounding in the Episcopal tradition with respect for the dignity and beliefs of everyone. We give our students a foundation to use their individual gifts, encourage them to rise to their full potential, and give them the tools to grow as strong independent thinkers, people of sound character, and active stewards of the world.


Our Gifts 


Reflected in our logo are the 5 gifts of St. John’s Parish Day School


  1. Spiritual growth through faith formation grounded in the Christian tradition, which is symbolized by the Cross
  2. A loving, caring, supportive environment where childhood is preserved and celebrated, which is symbolized by the Heart
  3. An innovative curriculum and teachers who know and serve each student as they grow academically, socially, and spiritually, which is symbolized by the Flame
  4. Development of confident, independent thinkers, people of character, and respectful citizens connected to our local and global communities, symbolized by the Leaf
  5. A sense of wonder and possibility; where opportunities for discovery abound, which is symbolized by the Acorn